How to Create a Pinterest Business Account

You’ve probably heard that Pinterest is one of the best platforms for reaching your audience and bringing traffic to your website or blog. If you’d rather keep your business separate from your personal account, you need to create a Pinterest business account from scratch. This new business account will allow you to claim your website, create pins, and view your analytics. 

This post will give you step-by-step instructions to create a Pinterest Business account. 

Woman typing on laptop with green boarder and text overlay: Learn how to set up a Pinterest Business account

Sign up for a new Pinterest Business Account

Firstly, go to Pinterest and click ‘Sign Up’ at the top right corner.

In the pop-up box, click on the option to create a free business account.

Pinterest sign up pop-up box. At bottom, option to create a Pinterest Business account.

Build Your Account

Secondly, you’ll fill out your profile. Your profile name should contain your name and/or business name, and the niche-specific keyword you want to rank for. Use keywords that people are searching for in your name. Not sure what keywords you should use? Learn to do Pinterest SEO Research

Add your website and location if you have a local business. Use the same picture that you use for other social media platforms. 

Thirdly, answer a few questions about your business and if you want to run ads.

In Pinterest settings, continue to create a Pinterest Business account by building your profile.
In Pinterest settings, answer questions about your business goals.
In Pinterest settings, question asking what kind of business you have, bubble filled in for contractor or service provider.
In Pinterest settings, it's asking if you are interest in running Pinterest ads.

Next, you’ll finish out your public profile by adding a bio, or a short about me. This is another place you should put keywords. Write a sentence or two about what you do and who you do it for. Include keywords and your website. If you’re a local business owner, mention your location here.

In Pinterest settings, under Public Profile, option to add profile picture, name, about, and pronouns.

Claim your Website

If you don’t already have Yoast SEO, log into the backend of your website and go to the Plugins to add new, and download Yoast SEO. 

Back on your Pinterest account, click ‘Claim’, which is on the left hand menu. Then click ‘Claim’ next to Website. 

Under Claim in Pinterest settings, a list of sites you can claim: Websites, Instagram, Etsy, and YouTube.

A box will pop up to choose how you want to claim your site. Click the HTML Tag, which will automatically copy it. 

Pop-up box with three options to choose how you want to claim your site. Options include add HTML tag, upload HTML file, and add TXT record.

Then click over to your website and go to the Social tab under SEO. Next, click on the Pinterest tab on the right, and then paste the HTML tag into the bar, and click Save Changes. 

In backend of WordPress site, Yoast SEO Plugin selected.

Finally, toggle back over to Pinterst and paste your website URL in the bar. Then click ‘Verify’.

Pop-up box to verify your website by pasting website URL into bar.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a Pinterest business account! Now you can create pins that lead to your content and review analytics.

Hands typing on laptop with text: How to create a Pinterest Business Account

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