Blue mug to the right of an open book.

Pinterest Services

Pinterest Account Set Up

  • Pinterest SEO research for your business
  • Profile optimization with keyword-rich description
  • Tailwind set up and board organization
  • Verify your website
  • Enable Rich Pins
  • 10 boards with optimized titles and board descriptions to rank in search engines
  • 300+ curated pins to prime your boards
  • Research and apply to 5 niche-specific Pinterest Groups (not guaranteed, they require approval by admin)
  • Follow 50+ influencers 
  • Custom Pinterest strategy for your business

$450/one time
$250 Pinterest only; $200 Tailwind only

Existing Pinterest Account Audit

  • Pinterest SEO research for your business 
  • Update existing profiles with keyword-rich description
  • Tailwind set up and board organization 
  • Verify your website
  • Enable Rich Pins
  • 10 boards optimized titles and board descriptions to rank in search engines
  • 300+ curated pins to prime your boards
  • Research and apply to 5 niche-specific Pinterest Groups (not guaranteed, they require admin approval)
  • Follow 50+ influencers

$450/one time
$250 Pinterest only, $200 Tailwind only

Monthly Management

A Tailwind subscription is required for all monthly management services.

  • 150 fresh pins scheduled per month (minimum 5/day)
  • 20 custom pins for your content each month
  • Write keyword-rich descriptions for new original pins
  • Daily pinning via Tailwind
  • Add new or optimize existing boards as needed (up to 2 per month)
  • Join at least 2 Tailwind Communities over time
  • Join at least 3 Pinterest group boards over time 
  • 1 hour email support
  • Provide monthly Pinterest analytics report

Please note: Pinterest is a visual search engine, therefore new and existing accounts must be optimized with keywords for best results. This should happen before monthly management Pinterest services. Account optimization is not included in the price of monthly management packages.
Pinterest takes time. It usually takes 3-6 months to gain traction. Therefore, I require a three month contract for monthly management.