Proof-Editing Bundle

With my proof-editing bundle, I will copyedit and proofread your writing so you can save! 

Editing services are expensive. It can really add up if you go through all four levels of the editing process. That’s why I offer a proof-editing bundle. Your writing will be consistent and polished, giving your readers a smooth reading experience. 

How does a proof-editing bundle work? 

First, I will complete a thorough copyedit, giving your writing two passes where I will read every word, checking for grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as style consistency and content consistency. 

Then I return your project to you so you can go through my suggestions and accept or reject, and make all of your revisions. 

Last, I will give your writing a final quality check for any minor errors and typos that may have slipped through.

Copyediting checks for: 

  • Errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Style and formatting consistency 
  • Content consistencies 
  • Accuracy of basic facts, names, numbers, and dates

Proofreading checks for: 

  • Correct spelling 
  • Correct punctuation 
  • Correct grammar 
  • Repeated words
  • Missing periods 
  • Extra spaces
  • Flipped apostrophes and quotation marks

You will receive: 

  • Your document with Track Changes on.
  • Inline comments for explaining why I made certain changes and query any questions I had.
  • An editorial report where I will explain editorial decisions in further detail.  
  • Progress reports and email support during the project.

Proof-Editing Bundle Price

50k-100k words: $600
<50k words: $400 

Want to save 10% next time?

Want to save even more money? Refer a friend to me and you’ll save 10% on your next project if they book any service with me. 

Sample edit

It’s hard to know what you’re getting when you find someone on the internet. You want to choose an editor with great care. Before picking one, it’s a good idea to find out what you’ll be getting. 

To give you a sense of my editing style, or to allow you to compare my work with another editor, I offer a 1500-word sample edit, free of charge, no obligations. 

Interested? Have any questions? 

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to click the button below to send me a message.